Plan Sponsor Audit of Fiduciary Processes

Are You a Member of Your Company’s 401(k) Retirement Committee? Do you know if your fiduciary processes are robust enough? As a member of your company’s 401(k) retirement committee, it is crucial to ensure that your plan meets the highest standards of fiduciary duty. Conducting a thorough audit of your fiduciary processes is a strategic way to ensure your retirement plan committee is fulfilling its fiduciary responsibilities. Why Should Plan Sponsors Audit Their Fiduciary Processes? Auditing your fiduciary processes is…

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Fiduciary Corner / Consumer Watch

As we have chronicled, the underlying inflation data is showing persistent signs of weakeningwhile the headline numbers remained stubbornly high. Conversely, we have shown that whileeconomic growth remains strong, the growth is ever increasingly attributable to one sector of theeconomy – the consumer; or more precisely, consumer spending on services. Recent data releasessuggest that both inflation and spending are finally cooling. To continue with the soft-landing analogy (cliche?), we are in final approach but we arecaptained by a team with…

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Is Your 401(k) Advisor a Fiduciary? Here’s Why It Matters

When it comes to planning for retirement, a 401(k) is one of the most powerful tools available to employees. Yet, many Plan Sponsors remain unaware of the critical differences between the various types of advisors who manage these plans. One of the most significant distinctions lies in whether or not your 401(k) advisor is a fiduciary. Understanding this difference can have a profound impact on your retirement savings and financial security. Why is it Important for an Advisor to be…

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Understanding 401(k) Fees: Why Plan Committees Must Stay Informed

As stewards of employees’ retirement savings, 401(k) plan committees bear a significant responsibility. One of the most crucial aspects of this role is a comprehensive understanding of the fees associated with the plan. This includes not only the costs related to investments and revenue sharing but also the payments received by the recordkeeper and any advisors involved. Here’s why a thorough grasp of these fees is essential for effective plan management. The Impact of Fees on Retirement Savings Even seemingly…

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Understanding: Advisor Fees and Fiduciary Roles

Many 401(k) plans engage advisors to provide investment guidance and fiduciary support. It is crucial for plan committees to fully understand the structure of these fees and the role of the advisor. Advisor fees can be charged as a flat fee, an hourly rate, or a percentage of assets. Beyond the fee structure, committees must determine whether their advisor is acting as a fiduciary when giving advice. Understanding the advisor’s fiduciary status is critical. A fiduciary advisor is legally obligated…

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Fiduciary Corner / Inflation: FAQ

As the inflation story continues to drag on longer than anyone hoped or expected, we continue todissect it and present our findings to clients. In those discussions, a few questions keep surfacing. Here are a few answers: Inflation simply refers to the change in prices, typically reported on a year-over-year basis. Ifan apple cost $1.00 last year but costs $1.10 this year, the ten cent increase amounts to 10%inflation. However, if the price of the apple falls to $0.90, it…

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Considering a 401(k) Plan Recordkeeping Review? Here’s Why It Matters

Embarking on a review of your 401(k) plan’s recordkeeping services is a proactive step that can deliver significant benefits for both your plan and its participants. Here’s how: Cost Efficiency: The market for recordkeeping services is dynamic, with new entrants often offering competitive pricing and innovative features. A periodic review could uncover opportunities to reduce costs and secure better terms, aligning more closely with your plan’s financial goals and constraints. Enhanced Services: As technology advances and industry standards evolve, new…

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Understanding 401(k) Fees: How They Work and Why They Matter

Introduction: The Department of Labor offers flexibility in determining and paying plan fees, placing a significant fiduciary responsibility on Retirement Plan Committees to evaluate and document all administrative expenses. As fees can greatly influence retirement outcomes, understanding the structure of these costs is crucial for ensuring transparency and assessing their reasonableness. The Impact of Recordkeeping Fees: Recordkeeping fees and other costs play a pivotal role in managing a 401(k) plan. These expenses impact the overall effectiveness of the plan and…

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Fiduciary Corner / Inflation Ripples Continue

As another day (week, month, year) of Fed Watching begins, we thought it would be useful to remind readers that CPI is not a mystical beast but rather a man-made system for measuring price changes across a basket of goods. These baskets are well known and their price indices are published each month. The CPI aggregate index tends to mask what is actually happening in the individual components. Journalists can’t see past the mask and their reports are misleading. They…

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Fiduciary Corner / Pivotal Progress

This past week, Fidelity® wrote about the likelihood of Fed rate cuts in 2024, despite higherthan expected inflation reports in January and February. We made a similar case to clients inlast quarter’s market update and felt the idea was worth repeating. The Federal Reserve closely monitors a wide range of economic conditions whendetermining its monetary policy. While inflation, labor conditions, and wage growth receivesignificant attention, there’s an often overlooked factor: real interest rates (or real yields). FedChair Jerome Powell has…

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