Plan Sponsor Audit of Fiduciary Processes

Plan Sponsor Audit of Fiduciary Processes (Project)

The Plan Sponsor Audit of Fiduciary Processes is a strategic planning tool designed to assess and enhance your fiduciary oversight. By focusing on “best practices,” it provides a straightforward and effective method to develop a successful, high-performing retirement plan. It is important to note that “best practices” are distinct from legal requirements. They represent superior ways to manage retirement plans and often serve as excellent risk management tools. These practices tend to exceed legal standards, address areas of concern, and anticipate future developments as retirement plans and expectations evolve. This tool evaluates your plan based on key factors that drive success for both your company and your employees.


North Carolina Office:
51 Kilmayne Drive, Suite 304
Cary, North Carolina 27511
Phone: 800-479-9869

Pennsylvania Office:
McMurray Pennsylvania
Phone: 412-417-6645

In the News

Comperio Retirement Consulting named a 2020 Firm to Watch by



National Association of Plan Advisors (NAPA) has named Comperio Retirement Consulting one of the Top DC Advisor Teams in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024


Comperio Retirement Consulting has been named one of the largest 100 Investment Consultants in the United States according to Pension & Investments (P&I) for the past 7 years